Risks and Symptoms of Peri-implantitis

A person wearing a light blue shirt and white watch is holding their cheek with a pained expression, possibly experiencing toothache.

Dental implants are known for their remarkable success rate of over 98%! However, this doesn’t mean that implants are immune to complication or even failure. Dental implants must be cared for just like your natural teeth. And just like any surgical procedure on your body, dental implant surgery involves some long-term risks. Though rare, peri-implantitis is among those risks. Peri-implantitis is an infection of the surrounding gum and bone of an already integrateddental implant. If left untreated, peri-implantitis can lead to progressive bone loss and implant failure.

It is possible for peri-implantitis to develop and progress without pain or notable symptoms. However, the most common signs of peri-implantitis include the following:

  • Deep gum pockets
  • Presence of pus from the implants and gums
  • Bleeding at the gum line
  • Gums that are red or slightly bluish
  • Tartar/plaque build up
  • Metal thread exposure
  • Long tooth
  • Dull ache or tenderness at implant site
  • Bad taste, due to presence of pus

If you are experiencing any changes in the way your dental implant looks, feels or functions, please contact 1899 Dental Implants as soon as possible. Peri-implantitis can develop years after your implant placement. The infection may be attributed to poor surgical technique, a bad quality crown, loose abutment screws or certain cement materials used.

Regardless of why the infection occurred, we can still save your implant if you seek treatment in a timely manner. Most peri-implantitis cases do require surgery and bone grafting, which will also involve cleaning the gums of bacteria and eliminating infection before regrafting.To avoid serious threats to your dental implant, maintain your routine dental visits twice a year.

Posted on behalf of 1899 Dental Implant

2733 Elk Grove Blvd #160
Elk Grove, CA 95758

Phone: (877) 468-1899