Single Tooth Replacement: Bridge Vs. Implant
Many patients falsely assume that just one missing tooth is not immediate cause for action, especially if it is out of sight and in the back of the mouth. The… Continue Reading about Single Tooth Replacement: Bridge Vs. Implant

Is Your Jawbone Ready for Implants?
Without question, dental implants are the superior solution in the realm of restorative dentistry. Dental implants offer the distinct ability to anchor a prosthetic tooth or teeth into the jawbone… Continue Reading about Is Your Jawbone Ready for Implants?

Preparing for Dental Implant Surgery
If you have decided to move forward with dental implants to replace your missing teeth, it is critical that you start with a healthy foundation. In order for an implant… Continue Reading about Preparing for Dental Implant Surgery

Standard Versus Mini Dental Implants
When it comes to replacing missing teeth, each patient has a unique set of circumstances and needs. Thankfully, modern restorative dentistry offers a variety of options to ensure everyone has… Continue Reading about Standard Versus Mini Dental Implants

Dental Risks for the Aging Adult
Each stage of life presents unique dental health challenges. The aging adult is not excluded. In fact, seniors are at risk for some very specific dental problems, including those that… Continue Reading about Dental Risks for the Aging Adult

Signs You Need Dental Implants
Dental implants serve the sole purpose of replacing teeth that are missing. This includes teeth that were lost due to disease, decay or trauma, as well as teeth that may… Continue Reading about Signs You Need Dental Implants

Why Can’t Kids Get Dental Implants?
Adults aren’t the only ones who can lose a permanent tooth. Children can experience tooth loss during accidental trauma or other situations. However, when it comes to replacing that missing… Continue Reading about Why Can’t Kids Get Dental Implants?

Need Bone Grafting Before Dental Implants? Don’t Sweat It
Dental implant surgery is one of the most life-changing oral surgeries available. By surgically implanting titanium posts into the jawbone, patients can gain a healthy, stable and beautiful smile after… Continue Reading about Need Bone Grafting Before Dental Implants? Don’t Sweat It

Avoid Premature Facial Aging With Dental Implants
Depending on how many you have, missing teeth can make chewing and speaking a difficult task. In addition, other teeth often migrate towards the open space, which disrupts the alignment… Continue Reading about Avoid Premature Facial Aging With Dental Implants